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Tonnia Matthews

Pensive Black Woman Thinking Holding Two White Shirts At Home
action orientedcreative entrepreneurscreativesEntrepreneurshipGeneralInsightsInspirationsmall business
November 8, 2021

Navigating Uncertainty: Actionable Steps for Creative Entrepreneurs Without Much Experience

Hello Tribe! Starting a business can be especially challenging for those without much experience. The uncertainty can be overwhelming and make it difficult to know where to start. But don't let that stop you from pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. Here are some actionable steps to help you navigate the uncertainty and get unstuck: Gain knowledge and expertise Learning is a…
Portrait of young african american woman sitting on floor with pen and book thinking.
action orientedEntrepreneurshipGeneralInsightsInspiration
October 9, 2021

Breaking Out of the Overthinking Box: How to Ditch Perfectionism and Start Your Creative Business Today

Hello Tribe! Are you a creative entrepreneur who struggles with overthinking and can't seem to get your business off the ground? You're not alone! So many talented individuals get stuck in the cycle of perfecting their ideas, analyzing every possible outcome, and ultimately never taking action. But it's time to break free from this limiting mindset and start living the…
September 7, 2021

Easy Breezy: How to Grow Your Digital Product Business

Hello Tribe! So, once your digital product (ebook, journal, artwork, service etc.) is live and successful, it's time to think about how you can grow your business. Here are some strategies to consider: Create additional digital products: With your ebook as a solid foundation, you can start creating additional digital products to complement and expand on the information you've already…
creative entrepreneursGeneralsmall businessvalue
May 3, 2021

Unlocking Success: The Power of a Solid Business Model for New Ventures

Hello Tribe! Embarking on a startup journey is akin to navigating uncharted territories with the ambition to discover new lands of opportunity. The cornerstone of this expedition? A robust business model. It's not just a plan—it's your venture's powerhouse, propelling you toward success with precision and agility. When you walk into a coffee shop, the barista that greets you and…
March 27, 2021

Digital Products are the Best MVPs

Hello Tribe! Are you ready to turn your big idea into a reality? Then you're in luck because digital products are the perfect MVPs for you. First of all, what is an MVP? It stands for Minimum Viable Product and it's a smart approach to product development that focuses on delivering the most essential features to your customers first. With…
business plan
creative entrepreneurssmall business
January 25, 2021

Business Plan Pricing

Hello Tribe, So you have made the decision to invest in creating a business plan upfront - and this is a great investment. Here's a quick guide to keep you in the know about the current industry pricing. The cost of a business plan can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the business, the industry,…
Create business plan
creative entrepreneursGeneral
January 25, 2021

Thee Business Plan – Yes, No or Maybe?

Hello tribe, There's been much chatter around whether a business plan is still relevant especially in the solo-preneur world, the fast moving digital economy and the internet streets. If you're contemplating whether or not to invest in a business plan, let's break it down for you. The cost of a business plan can vary depending on factors like the complexity…
October 22, 2020

The ABCs of MVPs

The Importance of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in Digital Asset and Product Development In today's fast-paced business environment, it's essential to get products to market quickly and efficiently. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is by using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach. An MVP is a stripped-down version of a full-fledged product that includes only…
October 20, 2020

What’s your MVP?!

You may have heard this term being thrown around or come across it as you start your journey into entrepreneurship but in short, it is a simple version of your big vision for a product/service.  It should include the essential functional features to showcase its value but all the other fancy trimmings are optional for launch.  Ideally it is your…